Modelling, never a dull moment

Your style, my style


Is there such a thing as "meyburgian modelling"? Well yes and no. Creating your own style is just what happens while your modelling. So everybody has his own style. When you regularly visit shows you can sometimes guess who build certain models because you recognise their style.


My style? Well since I’m quite busy with my day-time job there is too little time for modelling. So in order to actually finish a model I think I certainly haven’t got the patience of, for example Michael Rinaldi. But I’m always impressed by the models of Marcus Nicolls, who, in my view, seem to have mastered the art of actually finish something on a deadline and making a fantastic model.


For myself? I read a lot about the different techniques available and I just try them all. Sometimes they work fine and sometimes they don’t. The things I build and actually look all right to me are sometimes things that happened more by chance then by deliberation.


One final thought. Modelling, never a dull moment? Well someone said modelling is foremost about sanding. And I agree, that can sometimes become a bit boring. But keeping in mind the results you want to achieve, the sky is the limit.


Creating your own style is just what happens while modelling